Vintage gay movies full length

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'Best of All is the first in a set ofpilations that include trailers, full-length scenes and partial scenes of Matt Sterling's earky classic hits of the early 1990's, and it's perally narrated by Matt himself!

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A totally worthwhilepilation for fans and size-queens alike that you'll go back to over and over.

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Scenes included here are from the certified hits A Matter of Size, Like a Horse, Sizing Up, Inch By Inch, Heat in the Night and the Stryker blowouts Bigger Than Life and Stryker. Pre-condom fucking, massive loads from massive tools, back-alley tricks, body worship, the whole shebang. Review director Matt Sterling provides a showcase for some of his biggest (and truth be told) best movies he's ever done. Genres: gay, compilation, jeff stryker, hunks, vintage, hardcore, bareback Cast: Jeff Stryker, Tom Brock, Mike Ramsey, Joe Craig, Brad Walsh, Joe Porcelli, Mike Raymond, Jeff Pirelli, Brian Michaels, Bill Henson, Jeff Quinn, Doug Cory, Mark Rebel, Eric Ruff, Jim Pulver, Scott Avery, Tom Mitchell

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